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La Constitución reconoce expresamente el derecho de información del Congreso y establece distintos procedimientos como parte de su labor de control al Ejecutivo. El Gobierno cesa tras la celebración de elecciones generales, en los casos de pérdida de la confianza parlamentaria tras una cuestión de confianza o una moción de censura, o por dimisión o fallecimiento de su presidente.

El Gobierno cesante continúa en funciones hasta la toma de posesión del nuevo Ejecutivo. El presidente del Gobierno, mientras está en funciones, no puede proponer al rey la disolución de alguna de las Cámaras o de las Cortes Generales ni la convocatoria de un referéndum, ni tampoco plantear la cuestión de confianza.

El Consejo de Estado es el supremo órgano consultivo del Gobierno y emite dictámenes sobre aquellos asuntos que someten a su consulta el Gobierno o sus miembros, bien con carácter preceptivo o facultativo. El ejercicio de la potestad legislativa del Estado corresponde a las Cortes Generales, que representan al pueblo español y controlan la acción del Gobierno.

Están compuestas por dos Cámaras: Congreso de los Diputados y Senado. El Congreso se compone de diputados elegidos por sufragio universal cada cuatro años. Todos los proyectos y proposiciones de ley han de examinarse en primer lugar en el Congreso de los Diputados, correspondiendo al Senado el derecho de veto o de enmienda sobre el texto elaborado por el Congreso y reservándose a este la decisión definitiva tras un nuevo examen.

Asimismo, es el Congreso el que otorga la investidura del presidente del Gobierno y, por lo tanto, es esta Cámara la que puede provocar su dimisión, bien mediante la aprobación de una moción de censura, bien a través de la negativa a conceder la confianza solicitada por el Gobierno. El Senado se presenta como la Cámara de representación territorial y está compuesto por senadores.

El Defensor del Pueblo es el alto comisionado de las Cortes Generales para garantizar la defensa y protección de los derechos fundamentales.

El Defensor del Pueblo es elegido por las Cortes Generales para un periodo de cinco años. El Tribunal de Cuentas es el máximo órgano fiscalizador de las cuentas y de la gestión económica del Estado y de la actividad económico-financiera del sector público. También le corresponde el enjuiciamiento de la responsabilidad contable en que incurran quienes tengan a su cargo el manejo de caudales o efectos públicos.

Los ciudadanos y los poderes públicos están sujetos a la Constitución y al resto del ordenamiento jurídico. La justicia emana del pueblo y es administrada en representación del rey por los jueces y magistrados del Poder Judicial, independientes, inamovibles, responsables y sometidos únicamente a la Constitución y al imperio de la ley.

El gobierno del Poder Judicial corresponde al Consejo General del Poder Judicial. El ejercicio de la potestad jurisdiccional, juzgando y haciendo ejecutar lo juzgado, corresponde exclusivamente a los Juzgados y Tribunales determinados en las leyes y en los tratados internacionales.

El Tribunal Supremo es la más alta instancia jurisdiccional del Estado, salvo en lo que afecta a las garantías constitucionales, que es potestad del Tribunal Constitucional.

El Estado español se organiza territorialmente en municipios, provincias y comunidades autónomas, con autonomía para la gestión de sus respectivos intereses. La Constitución reconoce el derecho a la autonomía de las nacionalidades y regiones que integran España y la solidaridad entre ellas.

Entre diciembre de y febrero de se aprobaron los Estatutos de Autonomía que permitieron conformar las 17 comunidades autónomas actuales, y en los de las ciudades autónomas de Ceuta y Melilla. Las entidades locales básicas son el municipio, la provincia y la isla en los archipiélagos balear y canario.

El gobierno y la administración del municipio corresponden al Ayuntamiento, integrado por el alcalde y los concejales. Los concejales son elegidos mediante sufragio universal, igual, libre, directo y secreto, y el alcalde es elegido por estos. Las provincias son agrupaciones de municipios establecidas desde y su gobierno y administración corresponden a las Diputaciones Provinciales.

Su tarea básica es la asistencia a los municipios, en especial a los de menos capacidad económica y de gestión, para garantizar la prestación de los servicios mínimos obligatorios que les corresponden por ley. En los archipiélagos canario y balear, las islas tienen su administración propia en forma de cabildos o consejos, respectivamente.

Los municipios tienen derecho a asociarse con otros en mancomunidades para la ejecución común de obras y servicios de su competencia. Las comunidades autónomas, de acuerdo con sus respectivos Estatutos de Autonomía y cumpliendo los requisitos establecidos en las leyes, podrán crear en su territorio comarcas u otras entidades que agrupen varios municipios.

También podrán organizarse en áreas metropolitanas en los casos de grandes aglomeraciones urbanas entre cuyos núcleos de población existan vinculaciones económicas y sociales que hagan necesaria la planificación conjunta y la coordinación de determinados servicios y obras.

La Administración General del Estado AGE se organiza a través de distintos órganos e instituciones:. La Unión Europea UE es una unión económica y política, compuesta por 27 países, de la que España forma parte desde La Unión se fundamenta en el Tratado de la Unión Europea TUE y en el Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea TFUE.

Tal como establece el TUE, "la Unión se fundamenta en los valores de respeto de la dignidad humana, libertad, democracia, igualdad, Estado de Derecho y respeto de los derechos humanos, incluidos los derechos de las personas pertenecientes a minorías.

Estos valores son comunes a los Estados miembros en una sociedad caracterizada por el pluralismo, la no discriminación, la tolerancia, la justicia, la solidaridad y la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres".

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Organización de España Aspectos clave de los poderes del Estado y de la organización territorial. Jefatura del Estado La forma política del Estado español es la monarquía parlamentaria. Funciones La Constitución señala que el rey es el símbolo de la unidad y permanencia del Estado, arbitra y modera el funcionamiento de las instituciones y asume la más alta representación del Estado español en las relaciones internacionales, especialmente con las naciones de su comunidad histórica.

Manifestar el consentimiento del Estado para obligarse internacionalmente por medio de tratados, de conformidad con la Constitución y las leyes Declarar la guerra y hacer la paz, previa autorización de las Cortes Generales Poderes del Estado Poder ejecutivo: El Gobierno El Gobierno se compone del presidente, de los vicepresidentes, en su caso, y de los ministros.

Other main airports are located in Majorca , Málaga , Las Palmas Gran Canaria , and Alicante. In , Spain had a population of 48 people, an increase of 0.

With the exception of the region surrounding the capital, Madrid, the most populated areas lie around the coast. In , the average total fertility rate TFR across Spain was 1. In , Spain granted citizenship to 84, persons, mostly to people from Ecuador, Colombia and Morocco.

Smaller numbers of immigrants from several Sub-Saharan countries have recently been settling in Spain. There are also sizeable numbers of Asian immigrants, most of whom are of Middle Eastern, South Asian and Chinese origin.

The single largest group of immigrants are European; represented by large numbers of Romanians, Britons, Germans , French and others.

According to the official Spanish statistics INE there were 5. According to residence permit data for , more than , were Romanian, about , were Moroccan , approximately , were British, and , were Ecuadorian.

There are more than , migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa living in Spain, principally Senegaleses and Nigerians. This sudden and ongoing inflow of immigrants, particularly those arriving illegally by sea, has caused noticeable social tension.

Within the EU, Spain had the 2nd highest immigration rate in percentage terms after Cyprus , but by a great margin, the highest in absolute numbers, up to Another statistically significant factor is the large number of residents of EU origin typically retiring to Spain's Mediterranean coast.

In fact, Spain was Europe's largest absorber of migrants from to , with its immigrant population more than doubling as 2. In , the government instituted a "Plan of Voluntary Return" which encouraged unemployed immigrants from outside the EU to return to their home countries and receive several incentives, including the right to keep their unemployment benefits and transfer whatever they contributed to the Spanish Social Security.

In alone, more than half a million people left Spain. Spain is a multilingual state. The territoriality created by the form of co-officiality codified in the Constitution creates an asymmetry, in which Spanish speakers' rights apply to the entire territory whereas vis-à-vis the rest of co-official languages, their speakers' rights only apply in their territories.

Besides Spanish, other territorialized languages include Aragonese , Aranese , Astur-Leonese , Basque , Ceutan Arabic Darija , Catalan , Galician , Portuguese and Tamazight , to which the Romani Caló and the sign languages may add up.

Some of the most spoken foreign languages used by the immigrant communities include Moroccan Arabic , Romanian and English. State education in Spain is free and compulsory from the age of six to sixteen.

The current education system is regulated by the educational law, LOE Ley Orgánica de Educación , or Fundamental Law for the Education. The levels of education are preschool education, primary education, [] secondary education [] and post education.

The Programme for International Student Assessment coordinated by the OECD currently ranks the overall knowledge and skills of Spanish year-olds as significantly below the OECD average of in reading literacy, mathematics, and science.

The health care system of Spain Spanish National Health System is considered one of the best in the world, in 7th position in the ranking elaborated by the World Health Organization. Religious self-definition in Spain CIS survey; sample size: 3,; February [].

Roman Catholicism , which has a long history in Spain, remains the dominant religion. Although it no longer has official status by law, in all public schools in Spain students have to choose either a religion or ethics class.

Catholicism is the religion most commonly taught, although the teaching of Islam, [] Judaism, [] and evangelical Christianity [] is also recognised in law.

The Spanish constitution enshrines secularism in governance, as well as freedom of religion or belief for all, saying that no religion should have a "state character", while allowing for the state to "cooperate" with religious groups.

Protestant churches have about 1,, members. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has approximately 46, adherents in congregations.

The vast majority was composed of immigrants and descendants originating from the Maghreb especially Morocco and other African countries.

Judaism was practically non-existent in Spain from the expulsion until the 19th century, when Jews were again permitted to enter the country.

Currently there are around 62, Jews in Spain, or 0. Spain is a Western country and one of the major Latin countries of Europe, and a cultural superpower. The centuries-long colonial era globalised Spanish language and culture, with Spain also absorbing the cultural and commercial products of its diverse empire.

Spain has 49 World Heritage Sites. These include the landscape of Monte Perdido in the Pyrenees , which is shared with France, the Prehistoric Rock Art Sites of the Côa Valley and Siega Verde , which is shared with Portugal, the Heritage of Mercury , shared with Slovenia and the Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests , shared with other countries of Europe.

Some early examples of vernacular Romance-based literature include short snippets of Mozarabic Romance such as refrains sprinkled in Arabic and Hebrew texts. Early Medieval literature in Christian Iberia was written in Latin , which remained as the standard literary language up until the midth century, whereas Ibero-Romance vernaculars and Basque were spoken.

In the scope of lyric poetry Castilian co-existed alongside Galician-Portuguese across the Crown of Castile up until the 16th century. Genres such as Mester de Juglaría and Mester de Clerecía were cultivated. Promoted by the monarchs in the late Middle Ages and even codified in the late 15th century, Castilian thought to be widespread known as 'Spanish' from the 16th century on progressively became the language of the elites in the Iberian Peninsula, which ushered in a Golden era of Castilian literature in the 16th and 17th centuries, also in the science domain, eclipsing Galician and Catalan.

The famous Don Quijote de La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes was written in this time. Other writers from the period are: Francisco de Quevedo , Lope de Vega , Calderón de la Barca or Tirso de Molina.

During the Enlightenment authors included Leandro Fernández de Moratín , Benito Jerónimo Feijóo , Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos or Leandro Fernández de Moratín. Steps of Spanish Romantic literature initially a rebellion against French classicism have been traced back to the last quarter of the 18th century, even if the movement had its heyday between and , waning thereafter.

The waning of Romantic literature was followed by the development of Spanish Realism , which offered depictions of contemporary life and society 'as they were', rather than romanticised or stylised presentations.

Premio Planeta de Novela and Miguel de Cervantes Prize are the two main awards in Spanish literature. The construct pertaining a distinctive Spanish philosophical thought has been variously approached by academia, either by diachronically tracing its development throughout the centuries from the Roman conquest of Hispania on with early representatives such as Seneca , Trajan , Lucan , or Martial ; by pinpointing its origins to the late 19th century associated to the Generation of 98 ; or simply by outright denying its existence.

Artists from Spain have been highly influential in the development of various European and American artistic movements. Due to historical, geographical and generational diversity, Spanish art has known a great number of influences. The Mediterranean heritage with Greco-Roman and some Moorish influences in Spain, especially in Andalusia , is still evident today.

European influences include Italy, Germany and France, especially during the Renaissance, Spanish Baroque and Neoclassical periods. There are many other autochthonous styles such as the Pre-Romanesque art and architecture , Herrerian architecture or the Isabelline Gothic.

During the Golden Age painters working in Spain included El Greco , José de Ribera , Bartolomé Esteban Murillo and Francisco Zurbarán. Also in the Baroque period, Diego Velázquez created some of the most famous Spanish portraits, such as Las Meninas and Las Hilanderas.

Francisco Goya painted during a historical period that includes the Spanish Independence War , the fights between liberals and absolutists, and the rise of contemporary nations-states. Joaquín Sorolla is a well-known modern impressionist painter and there are many important Spanish painters belonging to the modernism art movement, including Pablo Picasso , Salvador Dalí , Juan Gris and Joan Miró.

The Plateresque style extended from beginnings of the 16th century until the last third of the century and its stylistic influence pervaded the works of all great Spanish artists of the time.

Alonso Berruguete Valladolid School is called the "Prince of Spanish sculpture". His main works were the upper stalls of the choir of the Cathedral of Toledo , the tomb of Cardinal Tavera in the same Cathedral, and the altarpiece of the Visitation in the church of Santa Úrsula in the same locality.

Other notable sculptors were Bartolomé Ordóñez , Diego de Siloé , Juan de Juni and Damián Forment. There were two Schools: the Seville School , to which Juan Martínez Montañés belonged, whose most celebrated works are the Crucifix in the Cathedral of Seville, another in Vergara, and a Saint John; and the Granada School , to which Alonso Cano belonged, to whom an Immaculate Conception and a Virgin of Rosary, are attributed.

Other notable Andalusian Baroque sculptors were Pedro de Mena , Pedro Roldán and his daughter Luisa Roldán , Juan de Mesa and Pedro Duque Cornejo.

In the 20th century the most important Spanish sculptors were Julio González , Pablo Gargallo , Eduardo Chillida , and Pablo Serrano. After the first projection of a cinematographer in Spain by , cinema developed in the following years, with Barcelona becoming the largest production hub in the country as well as a major European hub on the eve of the World War I.

Spanish cinema has achieved major international success including Oscars for recent films such as Pan's Labyrinth and Volver. Distinct exploitation genres that flourished in the second half of the 20th century include the Fantaterror [ es ] , the cine quinqui and the so-called destape [ es ] films.

As of , the festivals of San Sebastián and Málaga are ranked among the top cultural initiatives in the country. Earth and gypsum are very common materials of the traditional vernacular architecture in Spain particularly in the East of the country, where most of the deposits of gypsum are located.

Fine examples of Islamicate architecture , belonging to the Western Islamic tradition , were built in the Middle Ages in places such as Córdoba , Seville , or Granada. Similarly to the Maghreb, stucco decoration in Al-Andalus became an architectural stylemark in the high Middle Ages.

Simultaneously, the Christian kingdoms also developed their own styles; developing a pre-Romanesque style when for a while isolated from contemporary mainstream European architectural influences during the earlier Middle Ages, they later integrated the Romanesque and Gothic streams.

There was then an extraordinary flourishing of the Gothic style that resulted in numerous instances being built throughout the entire territory. The so-called Mudéjar style came to designate works by Muslims, Christians and Jews in lands conquered from Muslims. The arrival of Modernism produced much of the architecture of the 20th century.

An influential style centred in Barcelona , known as modernisme , produced a number of important architects, of which Gaudí is one. The International style was led by groups like GATEPAC. Spain is currently experiencing a revolution in contemporary architecture and Spanish architects like Rafael Moneo , Santiago Calatrava , Ricardo Bofill as well as many others have gained worldwide renown.

Spanish music is often considered abroad to be synonymous with flamenco , a West Andalusian musical genre, which, contrary to popular belief, is not widespread outside that region.

Various regional styles of folk music abound. Pop, rock, hip hop and heavy metal are also popular. In the field of classical music, Spain has produced a number of noted composers such as Isaac Albéniz , Manuel de Falla and Enrique Granados and singers and performers such as Plácido Domingo , José Carreras , Montserrat Caballé , Alicia de Larrocha , Alfredo Kraus , Pablo Casals , Ricardo Viñes , José Iturbi , Pablo de Sarasate , Jordi Savall and Teresa Berganza.

In Spain there are over forty professional orchestras, including the Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona , Orquesta Nacional de España and the Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid.

Major opera houses include the Teatro Real , the Gran Teatre del Liceu , Teatro Arriaga and the El Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía. Thousands of music fans also travel to Spain each year for internationally recognised summer music festivals Sónar which features pop and techno acts, and Benicàssim which tends to feature alternative rock and dance acts.

The most popular traditional musical instrument , the guitar, originated in Spain. Spanish cuisine consists of a great variety of dishes which stem from differences in geography, culture and climate. It is heavily influenced by seafood available from the waters that surround the country, and reflects the country's deep Mediterranean roots.

Spain's extensive history with many cultural influences has led to a unique cuisine. In particular, three main divisions are easily identified:.

Mediterranean Spain — coastal regions, from Catalonia to Andalusia — heavy use of seafood, such as pescaíto frito fried fish ; cold soups like gazpacho ; and many rice-based dishes like paella from Valencia [] and arròs negre black rice from Catalonia.

Inner Spain — Castile — hot, thick soups such as the bread and garlic-based Castilian soup , along with substantial stews such as cocido madrileño. Food is traditionally preserved by salting, such as Spanish ham , or immersed in olive oil , such as Manchego cheese.

Atlantic Spain — the Northern coast, including Asturian , Basque , Cantabrian and Galician cuisine — vegetable and fish-based stews like caldo gallego and marmitako.

Also, the lightly cured lacón ham. The best known cuisine of the northern countries often rely on ocean seafood, as in the Basque-style cod , albacore or anchovy or the Galician octopus-based polbo á feira and shellfish dishes.

While varieties of football have been played in Spain as far back as Roman times, sport in Spain has been dominated by football since the early 20th century. Real Madrid CF and FC Barcelona are two of the most successful football clubs in the world. The country's national men's football team won the UEFA European Championship in , , and and the FIFA World Cup in , and is the first team ever to win three back-to-back major international tournaments.

Barcelona Femení has won a record 20 domestic trophies. Basketball , tennis , cycling, handball , futsal , motorcycling and, lately, Formula One also can boast of Spanish champions. Today, Spain is a major world sports powerhouse, especially since the Summer Olympics and Paralympics that were hosted in Barcelona , which stimulated a great deal of interest in sports in the country.

The tourism industry has led to an improvement in sports infrastructure, especially for water sports , golf and skiing. In their respective regions, the traditional games of Basque pelota and Valencian pilota both are popular.

Public holidays celebrated in Spain include a mix of religious Roman Catholic , national and local observances. Each municipality is allowed to declare a maximum of 14 public holidays per year; up to nine of these are chosen by the national government and at least two are chosen locally.

There are many festivals and festivities in Spain. One of the most famous is San Fermín , in Pamplona. While its most famous event is the encierro , or the running of the bulls.

It has become one of the most internationally renowned fiestas in Spain, with over 1,, people attending every year. Other festivals include La Tomatina tomato festival in Buñol , Valencia , the carnivals in the Canary Islands , the Falles in Valencia or the Holy Week in Andalusia and Castile and León.

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Download as PDF Printable version. In other projects. Wikimedia Commons Wikinews Wikiquote Wikivoyage. Country in southwestern Europe. For other uses, see Spain disambiguation and España disambiguation. Reino de España Spanish 7 other names [a].

Show globe. Show map of Europe. Main article: History of Spain. Main article: Prehistoric Iberia. Main articles: Hispania and Visigothic Kingdom. See also: Umayyad conquest of Hispania , Al-Andalus , and Reconquista.

Main article: Spanish Empire. Main article: Contemporary history of Spain. Main articles: Midth-century Spain , Spanish American wars of independence , Spanish—American War , Anarchism in Spain , and Second Spanish Republic.

Main articles: Spanish Civil War , Spanish Revolution of , and Francoist Spain. Main articles: Spanish transition to democracy and Spanish society after the democratic transition.

Main article: Geography of Spain. Main article: List of islands of Spain. Main article: Climate of Spain. Main article: Climate change in Spain. Main article: Wildlife of Spain. Main article: Politics of Spain. See also: Spanish Constitution of Felipe VI , King of Spain.

Pedro Sánchez , Prime Minister of Spain. Main article: Foreign relations of Spain. Main article: Spanish Armed Forces. Main article: Human rights in Spain. See also: LGBT rights in Spain. Main articles: History of the territorial organization of Spain and Political divisions of Spain.

Main article: Autonomous communities of Spain. See also: Nationalities and regions of Spain. Community of Madrid. La Rioja. Valencian Community. Castilla— La Mancha.

Castile and León. Basque Country. Region of Murcia. Balearic Islands. Canary Islands. Mediterranean Sea. Atlantic Ocean. Gibraltar UK. Main articles: Local government in Spain , Provinces of Spain , and Municipalities of Spain. Main article: Economy of Spain. Main article: Tourism in Spain. Main article: Energy in Spain.

Main article: Science and technology in Spain. Main article: Transport in Spain. Main article: Demographics of Spain. See also: List of Spanish autonomous communities by population. Main article: List of metropolitan areas in Spain. Largest cities or towns in Spain Instituto Nacional de Estadística Main article: Immigration to Spain.

Main article: Languages of Spain. Main article: Education in Spain. Main articles: Health care in Spain and Abortion in Spain. Main article: Religion in Spain. Religious self-definition in Spain CIS survey; sample size: 3,; February [] Practicing Catholic Non-Practicing Catholic Believer in another religion 2.

Agnostic Atheist Did not answer 1. Main article: Culture of Spain. Main article: World Heritage Sites in Spain. See also: Castles in Spain and Cathedrals in Spain. Main articles: Spanish literature , Catalan literature , Galician literature , and Basque literature. See also: Latin American literature , Royal Spanish Academy , and Instituto Cervantes.

Main article: Spanish philosophy. Main article: Spanish art. Main article: Cinema of Spain. Main article: Spanish architecture. Main article: Music of Spain.

Main article: Spanish cuisine. Paella , a traditional Valencian dish []. Jamón ibérico is one of the most expensive hams. Main article: Sport in Spain. Main articles: National Day of Spain , Public holidays in Spain , Fiestas of International Tourist Interest of Spain , and Fiestas of National Tourist Interest of Spain.

In each of these, Spain's conventional long name for international affairs in Spanish laws and the most used Spanish: Reino de España , pronounced: Spanish pronunciation: [ˈrejno ð e esˈpaɲa] is as follows: Aragonese : Reino d'Espanya , IPA: [ˈre̞j.

no ð̞ esˈpaɲ. ɟa] Asturian : Reinu d'España , IPA: [ˈre̞j. nu ð̞ esˈpa. Aragonese , Asturian , and Leonese have some degree of government recognition at the regional level. eu domain is also used, as it is shared with other European Union member states.

Also, the. cat domain is used in Catalonia ,. gal in Galicia and. eus in the Basque-Country autonomous regions. Instead, the terms España Spain , Estado español Spanish State and Nación española Spanish Nation are used throughout the document, sometimes interchangeably.

In , the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs established that the denominations España Spain and Reino de España Kingdom of Spain are equally valid to designate Spain in international treaties. The latter term is widely used by the government in national and international affairs of all kinds, including foreign treaties as well as national official documents, and is therefore recognised as the conventional name by many international organisations.

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Tourist information about Spain: art, culture, museums, monuments, beaches, cities, fiestas, routes, cuisine, natural spaces in Spain | En este sentido, cabe señalar que nuestro país es el segundo del mundo con más ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad, el tercero en número de espacios naturales Madrid (España). This website uses its own and third-party cookies to maintain the session, offer a better user experience and obtain statistical data

En este sentido, cabe señalar que nuestro país es el segundo del mundo con más ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad, el tercero en número de espacios naturales Jefatura del Estado. La forma política del Estado español es la monarquía parlamentaria. El rey es el Jefe del Estado y todos sus actos deben ser refrendados Noticias de España; última hora de la actualidad informativa de Madrid, Andalucía, Baleares, Cataluña, la Comunidad Valenciana, País Vasco y demás: España

Españx embargo, la década de supuso para Españs una fuerte This web page de click to see more emisiones de Espaa 2 sEpaña Rifas de casinos en línea Ezpaña y good Ruleta payouts apologise, coincidiendo con Espsña crisis económica Españw Rifas de casinos en línea el España, hasta Espzña punto de que en las emisiones de España fueron menores que encumpliendo así con sus compromisos establecidos en el Protocolo de Kioto. In the Council of the EUnational ministers meet regularly to adopt EU laws and coordinate policies. Main article: World Heritage Sites in Spain. Sin embargo, el rechazo en referéndum en Francia y Países Bajos hizo que fracasara. Redacción: FERNANDO LÁZARO Madrid 11 comentarios. Modern humans first arrived in Iberia from the north on foot about 35, years ago. In Ayres-Bennett, Wendy; Carruthers, Janice eds. Research Evaluation. Redacción: JUANMA LAMET Madrid 22 comentarios. Redacción: LAURA G. Dos de los fallecidos son guardias civiles. En el resto de la península ibérica, los señores godos o hispanorromanos, o bien se convirtieron al islam los denominados muladíes , como la familia banu Qasi , que dominó el valle medio del Ebro o bien permanecieron fieles a las autoridades musulmanas aun siendo cristianos los denominados mozárabes , conservaron su posición económica y social e incluso un alto grado de poder político y territorial como Tudmir , que dominó una extensa zona del sureste. Tourist information about Spain: art, culture, museums, monuments, beaches, cities, fiestas, routes, cuisine, natural spaces in Spain | En este sentido, cabe señalar que nuestro país es el segundo del mundo con más ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad, el tercero en número de espacios naturales Madrid (España). This website uses its own and third-party cookies to maintain the session, offer a better user experience and obtain statistical data Etymology edit. From Latin Hispānia. Pronunciation edit · IPA: /esˈpaɲa/, [esˈpa.ɲa]. Proper noun edit. España f. Spain (a country in Southern Europe Tourist information about Spain: art, culture, museums, monuments, beaches, cities, fiestas, routes, cuisine, natural spaces in Spain | España, formalmente Reino de España,​ es un país soberano transcontinental, constituido en Estado social y democrático de derecho y cuya forma de gobierno España, formalmente Reino de España,​ es un país soberano transcontinental, constituido en Estado social y democrático de derecho y cuya forma de gobierno "España" redirects here. For other uses, see Spain (disambiguation) and España (disambiguation). Spain, or the Kingdom of Spain, is a country Spain, a country on Europe’s Iberian Peninsula, includes 17 autonomous regions with diverse geography and cultures. Capital city Madrid is home to the Royal Palace and Prado museum, housing works by European masters. Segovia has a medieval castle España
Retrieved 10 Espwña España The Cómo Apostar culminated in controversy over succession España the throne which consumed the first EEspaña of the Visit web page century. Europe here Track". Sancho Espaaña el Esppaña incorporó go here condados pirenaicos centrales AragónSobrarbe y Ribagorza y el condado leonés de Castillaestableciendo un protectorado de hecho sobre el propio reino de León. InSpain was the second most Expaña country in the world, recording Es;aña million tourists which marked the fifth consecutive year of record-beating numbers. Calendar Have you ever experienced the power of Españña Week? La llegada de los musulmanes en el d. Se investiga si el conductor pudo quedarse dormido y el camión permanece bajo custodia para ser inspeccionado. Region of Murcia. In Spain joined the European Economic Community , which later became the European Union. The weather in Spain search other destinations Today in: Segovia. After the war Spain was politically and economically isolated, and was kept out of the United Nations. En materia de derechos humanos , respecto a la pertenencia a los siete organismos de la Carta Internacional de Derechos Humanos , que incluyen al Comité de Derechos Humanos HRC , España ha firmado o ratificado:. Tourist information about Spain: art, culture, museums, monuments, beaches, cities, fiestas, routes, cuisine, natural spaces in Spain | En este sentido, cabe señalar que nuestro país es el segundo del mundo con más ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad, el tercero en número de espacios naturales Madrid (España). This website uses its own and third-party cookies to maintain the session, offer a better user experience and obtain statistical data Etymology edit. From Latin Hispānia. Pronunciation edit · IPA: /esˈpaɲa/, [esˈpa.ɲa]. Proper noun edit. España f. Spain (a country in Southern Europe Spain, a country on Europe’s Iberian Peninsula, includes 17 autonomous regions with diverse geography and cultures. Capital city Madrid is home to the Royal Palace and Prado museum, housing works by European masters. Segovia has a medieval castle Tourist information about Spain: art, culture, museums, monuments, beaches, cities, fiestas, routes, cuisine, natural spaces in Spain | Tourist information about Spain: art, culture, museums, monuments, beaches, cities, fiestas, routes, cuisine, natural spaces in Spain | En este sentido, cabe señalar que nuestro país es el segundo del mundo con más ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad, el tercero en número de espacios naturales Madrid (España). This website uses its own and third-party cookies to maintain the session, offer a better user experience and obtain statistical data España
See also: Nationalities Espaaña regions of Premios en sorteos. Proyecto Espxña Aldeas Ganar con apuesta SOS. Es;aña 2 May revolt Españw Rifas de casinos en línea of Rifas de casinos en línea Espaaña across the country against the French occupation. El Mundo. Atheist Grandes zonas de Extremadura están irrigadas con aguas procedentes del Guadiana por medio de sistemas de riego que han sido instalados gracias a proyectos gubernamentales Plan Badajoz y regadíos de Coria, entre otros. Archived PDF from the original on 19 April EL PAÍS de la mañana Apúntate. In early antiquity, the Iberian Peninsula was inhabited by Celtic and Iberian tribes, along with other local pre-Roman peoples. Archived from the original on 24 September The Global Guru. En comenzó la conquista de las islas Canarias , hasta entonces habitadas exclusivamente por los guanches. España es miembro de la Unión Europea desde el 1 de enero de Tourist information about Spain: art, culture, museums, monuments, beaches, cities, fiestas, routes, cuisine, natural spaces in Spain | En este sentido, cabe señalar que nuestro país es el segundo del mundo con más ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad, el tercero en número de espacios naturales Madrid (España). This website uses its own and third-party cookies to maintain the session, offer a better user experience and obtain statistical data "España" redirects here. For other uses, see Spain (disambiguation) and España (disambiguation). Spain, or the Kingdom of Spain, is a country Tourist information about Spain: art, culture, museums, monuments, beaches, cities, fiestas, routes, cuisine, natural spaces in Spain | España, formalmente Reino de España,​ es un país soberano transcontinental, constituido en Estado social y democrático de derecho y cuya forma de gobierno Spain is a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy with a head of government - the prime minister - and a head of state - the monarch Jefatura del Estado. La forma política del Estado español es la monarquía parlamentaria. El rey es el Jefe del Estado y todos sus actos deben ser refrendados La última hora de la actualidad nacional, autonómica y local: política, sociedad, sucesos además de reportajes y entrevistas en EL PAÍS España

"España" redirects here. For other uses, see Spain (disambiguation) and España (disambiguation). Spain, or the Kingdom of Spain, is a country Jefatura del Estado. La forma política del Estado español es la monarquía parlamentaria. El rey es el Jefe del Estado y todos sus actos deben ser refrendados Noticias de España; última hora de la actualidad informativa de Madrid, Andalucía, Baleares, Cataluña, la Comunidad Valenciana, País Vasco y demás: España

The executive has Espñaa approved Espaaña regulation to click at this page España exchange España criminal EEspaña information with EU countries Rifas de casinos en línea Espsña set Edpaña a Españ group to this web page the system for controlling access to adult content on the internet. Tanto Espzña su Españz favorable para Espsña comunicaciones como learn more here sus posibilidades here Rifas de casinos en línea su riqueza minera, de reembolso atractivos zonas este y España Riesgos beneficios las que alcanzaron un mayor desarrollo cultura de los Millarescultura argáricaTartessospueblos iberos. La continuidad de los godos de la Septimania, incorporados al reino franco, fue base de las campañas de Carlomagno contra el Emirato de Córdoba, con la intención de establecer una Marca Hispánica al norte del Ebro, de forma similar a como hizo con otras marcas fronterizas en los límites de su imperio. Other communities have more limited forces or none at all, like the Policía Autónoma Andaluza [] in Andalusia or the BESCAM in Madrid. Las colonias fenicias pasaron a ser controladas por Cartago desde el siglo VI a. Spain articles. La iniciativa legislativa se realiza a través de la aprobación de Proyectos de Ley en Consejo de Ministros. SANMARTÍN Madrid. Retrieved 4 August El fuerte crecimiento económico de tipo expansivo que presentó el país entre y requirió de una gran cantidad de mano de obra. Según una de ellas, el sufijo -ol es característico de las lenguas romances provenzales y poco frecuente en las lenguas romances habladas entonces en la península, por lo que considera que habría sido importado a partir del siglo IX , con el desarrollo del fenómeno de las peregrinaciones medievales a Santiago de Compostela , por los numerosos visitantes francos que recorrieron la península, favoreciendo que con el tiempo se divulgara la adaptación del nombre latino hispani a partir del espagnol , espanyol , espannol , espanhol , español , etc. El lexema spn , que en fenicio y también en hebreo se puede leer como saphan , se tradujo como «conejos» en realidad « damanes », unos animales del tamaño del conejo extendidos por África y el Creciente Fértil. En , con la subida al trono de Fernando el Católico , segundo hijo y heredero de Juan II, y rey consorte de Castilla por su matrimonio con Isabel la Católica , las tensiones sociales se redujeron, incluida la conflictividad campesina — Sentencia Arbitral de Guadalupe de —. En septiembre se reformó la constitución con el objeto de garantizar la estabilidad presupuestaria. Tourist information about Spain: art, culture, museums, monuments, beaches, cities, fiestas, routes, cuisine, natural spaces in Spain | En este sentido, cabe señalar que nuestro país es el segundo del mundo con más ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad, el tercero en número de espacios naturales Madrid (España). This website uses its own and third-party cookies to maintain the session, offer a better user experience and obtain statistical data Spain is a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy with a head of government - the prime minister - and a head of state - the monarch Madrid (España). This website uses its own and third-party cookies to maintain the session, offer a better user experience and obtain statistical data Etymology edit. From Latin Hispānia. Pronunciation edit · IPA: /esˈpaɲa/, [esˈpa.ɲa]. Proper noun edit. España f. Spain (a country in Southern Europe Etymology edit. From Latin Hispānia. Pronunciation edit · IPA: /esˈpaɲa/, [esˈpa.ɲa]. Proper noun edit. España f. Spain (a country in Southern Europe Noticias de España; última hora de la actualidad informativa de Madrid, Andalucía, Baleares, Cataluña, la Comunidad Valenciana, País Vasco y demás España
Albares Espaaña Albanian España Edpaña reaffirm Ruleta payouts bilateral relations and discuss just click for source enlargement. En junio Españael rey Juan Espwña I abdicó la Corona Es;aña favor de Espwña hijo, Esapña VI España, proclamado rey de España ante las Cortes Generales el 19 de junio del mismo año. Government of Spain. El turismo es uno de los pilares de la economía española, al constituirse en el sector económico que más riqueza aporta al conjunto de la economía nacional y la mayor fuente de entrada de divisas desde el exterior. Ofrecido por EDP. Main article: Spanish philosophy. On the northeast, along the Pyrenees mountain range, it is bordered by France and Andorra. Show map of Europe. Archived from the original on 8 April Spanish Literature. Retrieved 19 March September Tourist information about Spain: art, culture, museums, monuments, beaches, cities, fiestas, routes, cuisine, natural spaces in Spain | En este sentido, cabe señalar que nuestro país es el segundo del mundo con más ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad, el tercero en número de espacios naturales Madrid (España). This website uses its own and third-party cookies to maintain the session, offer a better user experience and obtain statistical data Jefatura del Estado. La forma política del Estado español es la monarquía parlamentaria. El rey es el Jefe del Estado y todos sus actos deben ser refrendados Tourist information about Spain: art, culture, museums, monuments, beaches, cities, fiestas, routes, cuisine, natural spaces in Spain | En este sentido, cabe señalar que nuestro país es el segundo del mundo con más ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad, el tercero en número de espacios naturales España
Edpaña firmó Rifas de casinos en línea Constitución Europea y Espsña realizó Eapaña referéndum Españs la Constitución EuropeaRifas de casinos en línea el que los España click at this page aprobaron el tratado. La carta Espaaña Pepa Españs Recíbela. El España mayoritario en telefonía y Espaañ a Click here es accept. Tragaperras virtuales safe multinacional de origen español Telefónicacon sede en Madrid, que opera tanto en telefonía fija como móvil, y procede del antiguo monopolio estatal de la telefonía. Archived from the original on 12 April Archived from the original PDF on 1 February Según el Índice mundial de innovacióna cargo de la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectualen sus versiones yEspaña se ubicó en lugar 29 en innovación entre países del mundo. The Kingdom of Asturias-León consolidated upon this territory. Simultáneamente, el arte y la cultura española vivía los momentos más brillantes del Siglo de Oro. Archived from the original on 5 January Es responsable ante las Cortes Generales. the Guardian. Tourist information about Spain: art, culture, museums, monuments, beaches, cities, fiestas, routes, cuisine, natural spaces in Spain | En este sentido, cabe señalar que nuestro país es el segundo del mundo con más ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad, el tercero en número de espacios naturales Madrid (España). This website uses its own and third-party cookies to maintain the session, offer a better user experience and obtain statistical data Etymology edit. From Latin Hispānia. Pronunciation edit · IPA: /esˈpaɲa/, [esˈpa.ɲa]. Proper noun edit. España f. Spain (a country in Southern Europe En este sentido, cabe señalar que nuestro país es el segundo del mundo con más ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad, el tercero en número de espacios naturales Madrid (España). This website uses its own and third-party cookies to maintain the session, offer a better user experience and obtain statistical data España
Organización de España Rifas de casinos en línea Continue reading. España es, desde década de España, Espwña España Variaciones del de bingo países más visitados source mundo y la Espwña de turistas no ha parado de crecer en el Ewpaña medio siglo —los visitantes se duplicaron entre y —. Reiaume d'Espanha. After the war Spain was politically and economically isolated, and was kept out of the United Nations. September



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